A Message from Christy

Founder, Christy Whitney-Matz
When I started pAra, it was out of a deeply felt calling to work in the healing arts. For years, I was governed by fear of changing my path as photographer and retoucher. I had paid a fortune to get my degree and couldn’t accept that I wouldn't be using it. Well, the forces that be, had all the plans and timing right, because I needed all that I learned in coming to my jumping off point. I had been incubating in self study of herbal remedies, nutrition, and the practice of Ayurveda for 10 years before jumping off the cliff fully and committing to what is now pAra in 2013ish (I'm terrible with dates). This study was brought on by my own experience in the world of conventional medicine, seeing the suffering, experiencing the suffering, and bearing witness to unnecessary deaths. My husband’s mother and brother had both been lost to cancer, she at 36 and he at 31. It was terrifying and I felt lost in a sea of western medicine doctors that now seemed as though they were after my husband as though he was in an early death spiral because of his genetics. As the divine would have it, obstacle was really opportunity, and a massive fire was lit in me to do my own research, and carve out my own way in this life so I could protect myself, my husband and those that I love. This led me down that 10 year path from nutritional studies, to plant medicine and energy work. And it also brought me to the most vibrant version of myself on every level. And so…pAra is and continues to be the culmination of my studies and an outpouring of love in an offering to you.
While I do not believe in entitling myself anything other than Christy, I will offer a little background on my experiences. Take it for what it’s worth to you - I know credentials can seem somewhat empty these days. I am forever a student of this world and cannot ever claim to know any more than you do.
In 2012, I dove deeper into the healing arts. I went through attunements and initiations to become a Shamanic Reiki Practitioner (which I absolutely loved experiencing). I was mentored by Larisa Noonan in Ancestral healing (an incredible guide - she brought me through a really tough time). I studied Stone Medicine with Sarah Thomas (she is magic), formulation with Formula Botanica (snore, but helpful), and self studied herbs alongside doing coursework with Chestnut School. The most stand out wisdom I receive is through my own wonderings, discussions with herb loving friends, and wonderful books from my most favorite plant lovers like Ann Harman, Rosemary Gladstar, Robin Rose, Lalitha Thomas, Anthony William, Mathew Wood & Ted Andrews. I am always always learning and realizing how little I know. I can only hope that my experience might help you somehow as you journey through this beautiful earth home.
All that I am, I offer to you as though you were a limb of my body. I truly believe we are all one. My energy in this life endeavor is all for the collective: you, myself, mama earth, and all her beings, seen and unseen.
Much love and many blessings.
With my deepest gratitude,